view of man's back holding a shovel in hand

Adventures in Privy Digging

Looking for a new hobby? “Adventures in Privy Digging,” a digital series from WPSU, takes a look at a unique kind of amateur-anthropology that involves digging up artifacts from the sites of former outhouses and privies.

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jamaica ginger bottle

Dark Side of History

Frank explains the tragic legacy of a Jamaica Ginger bottle he unearthed.

11/10/21 | 1m 21s


hutcherson bottle

Soda or Pop?

Frank explains how the Hutcherson bottle launched the pop vs. soda debate. 

11/3/21 | 40s


old bottles

How Old Is This Bottle?

Frank explains how to assess a found bottle’s age.

10/27/21 | 1m 30s


glass bottles

Mystery Solved

Frank explains how one of his privy discoveries proved a local malaria outbreak.

10/20/21 | 54s


frank show a pipe he dug from the ground to the camera

Found in the Privy…

Frank shares some of the more colorful items he’s found on his privy digs.

10/13/21 | 1m 31s


man looking down at the ground

Where to Dig

Find out what clues privy diggers use to find their treasures.

10/6/21 | 1m 8s


Person digging in the ground

Tools of the Trade

Find out what you need to start unearthing old outhouses in your neck of the woods.

10/6/21 | 1m 8s


Person standing surrounded by shelves filled with antique bottles

Meet Frank Harchak

You can find a lot of things at the bottom an old outhouse, including your local history.

10/6/21 | 2m 36s


Adventures in Privy Digging title card


In a new limited series from WPSU Digital Studios, Houtzdale resident Frank Harchak shares his passion for privy digging.

9/29/21 | 30s



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