Looking for a new hobby? “Adventures in Privy Digging,” a digital series from WPSU, takes a look at a unique kind of amateur-anthropology that involves digging up artifacts from the sites of former outhouses and privies.
Frank explains the tragic legacy of a Jamaica Ginger bottle he unearthed.
11/10/21 | 1m 21s
Frank explains how the Hutcherson bottle launched the pop vs. soda debate.
11/3/21 | 40s
Frank explains how one of his privy discoveries proved a local malaria outbreak.
10/20/21 | 54s
Frank shares some of the more colorful items he’s found on his privy digs.
10/13/21 | 1m 31s
Find out what you need to start unearthing old outhouses in your neck of the woods.
10/6/21 | 1m 8s
This series guides new and returning cyclists through topics like bike safety, general maintenance, how to change a flat tire on the trail, and more.
Year-Round Gardening gives basic gardening tips throughout the year. The instructional clips feature Penn State Extension Educators and Master Gardeners.
Telling the stories of researchers, their studies, and how their work impacts you and the world you live in.
Interviews and conversations with musicians from the African Diaspora regarding their impact on American music.
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