A Season at Shaver’s Creek
A recap of wildlife captured on Shaver’s Creek’s trail cameras across the seasons, with commentary from Wildlife Program Coordinator Alex Suleski.

Fall: Bobcat Crossing, Wild Turkeys & More
Shaver's Creek's trail cam picked up some great footage of our local bobcat this fall, along with the cottontail rabbit and groundhog coping with the loss of the beaver dam they'd relied on as a water crossing.
12/17/24 | 4m 55s

Summer: Black Bears, Rare Birds, and Bat Pest Control
Check out the bears, rare birds and more captured on Shaver's Creek's trail cam this summer.
9/15/24 | 6m 11s

Spring: A bustling renewal at Shaver’s Creek
Spring is a time of renewal at Shaver’s Creek. See what the trail camera captured across the season.
6/20/24 | 4m 17s
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