Get Your Garden On! (Fall 2019)
What worked in your garden this season? Where could you have used a little expert advice? Tune in to discuss these questions and make a to-do list for winter.
As springs turns into summer and everything is in bloom, it’s might be tempting to sit back and smell the roses, but the coming months pose a critical time for gardeners. On this edition of “Conversations Live: Get Your Garden On!” WPSU’s Lindsey Whissel and guests Tom Butzler and John Esslinger, horticulture educators with Penn State Extension, will discuss how you can best protect your plants and help your garden thrive.
Tom Butzler is a Horticulture Extension Educator in central Pennsylvania. Butzler has been teaching beekeeping classes to youth and adults for over 15 years and developed Penn State Extension’s first online beekeeping course.
John Esslinger also is a horticulture educator, working with Penn State Extension in northeastern Pennsylvania since 1995. He focuses on the topics of fruit, vegetable and greenhouse production.
What worked in your garden this season? Where could you have used a little expert advice? Tune in to discuss these questions and make a to-do list for winter.
How do children grieve? Is it different from the way adults grieve? And how does grieving change as children grow? Our panel answers these questions and more.
Is football worth the risks? On this edition of Conversations LIVE our guests will talk about the relationship between football and brain damage.