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Conversations Live: Get Your Garden On! (Spring 2022)

Gardening season has arrived. Whether you’re growing cool season crops or getting ready to plant tomatoes — now is the perfect time to get tips to help your garden grow. Penn State Extension educators share their expertise on everything from taking care of your lawn to planting for pollinators.


Tom Butzler, Horticulture Educator, Penn State Extension
Tom Butzler works with commercial horticulture operations and the landscaping community in Clinton County. His area of expertise is vegetable production and beekeeping.

Elsa SanchezElsa Sanchez, Ph.D.
Elsa Sanchez focuses on the production of vegetable crops with a particular focus on environmental sustainability. Her goal is to develop and disseminate science-based information to assist commercial vegetable growers in making informed production decisions. She works in organic and conventional vegetable systems.

Sara Hricko, Penn State Extension Educator
Sara works with tree fruit and other areas of horticulture.

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