Conversations Live: Get Your Garden On! (Spring 2020)

It’s growing season, and ​during this time many of you are turning to gardening as a hobby to enjoy at home and as a way to stock your kitchens. We have tips on growing ​fruits and vegetables, canning for winter, making the most of small spaces, and more! 


Anne DanahyAnne Danahy

WPSU Reporter


Tom ButzlerTom Butzler

Horticulture Educator, Penn State Extension

Tom Butzler works with commercial horticulture operations and the landscaping community in Clinton County. His area of expertise is vegetable production and beekeeping.

John EsslingerJohn Esslinger

Horticulture Educator, Penn State Extension
John is an Extension Educator that works with commercial vegetable, fruit, and greenhouse growers.

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Lyme Disease, Part 2

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Making Sense of the Economy

Posted on February 23, 2023

Unemployment is low, and wages are rising. But the cost of living, from groceries to paying for a home, has gone up. And the possibility of a recession or economic slow down looms. We’ll talk with experts about changes in the economy, and what they mean for everyday people.


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