Conversations Live: Get Your Garden On! (Summer 2021)

Growing season is in full swing — flowers are blooming and summer veggies are on the way. But questions are starting to crop up too. On WPSU’s next Conversations Live, Penn State Extension educators Tom Butzler and Tom Ford will share their gardening expertise on everything from keeping weeds at bay to knowing how much to water your plants.


Tom ButzlerTom Butzler

Penn State Extension Educator, Clinton County

Tom Butzler works with commercial horticulture operations and the landscaping community in Clinton County. His area of expertise is vegetable production and beekeeping.

Thomas FordThomas Ford

Penn State Extension Educator, Cambria County

Tom Ford works with commercial horticulture operations and growers in Cambria County. His areas of expertise include greenhouse and nursery production and fruit trees.

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