Conversations Live: Ask a Veterinarian (2020)

Do you have questions about your pet? Or maybe you’re thinking of adopting one. On our next episode of Conversations Live, we’ll talk about all things pets with veterinarians Fred Metzger from Metzger Animal Hospital, and Debra Smart from Centre Animal Hospital. We’ll cover topics such as proper diet and exercise for your pet, and keeping pets safe from COVID-19.


Fred MetzgerFred Metzger

Owner & Director
Metzger Animal Hospital

Debra SmartDebra Smart

Owner & Director
Centre Animal Hospital

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Posted on February 20, 2014

WPSU’s Patty Satalia and guests talk about the psychological and physical effects of forgiveness and about the role it plays in alleviating anger and grief.


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Opioid Crisis in Pennsylvania

Posted on December 15, 2017

We explore the human impact of the opioid epidemic by talking to guests who have been personally affected by addiction. We’ll also talk about Pennsylvania’s $20 million effort to address it.


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