Journeys with Local Historia

Now streaming on the PBS app

Hosts Matt and Dustin of Local Historia take viewers on adventures through Pennsylvania history.


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Thrift Shop Chef

Thrift Shop Chef

Posted on November 8, 2017

Host Satchel Mantz finds unique kitchen devices in area thrift shops and then uses those tools, along with locally-sourced ingredients, to create incredible meals that you can prepare in your own home.



HumIn Focus

Posted on September 9, 2020

In each episode, we ask scholars to reflect on ideas in their work in ways that expand and enrich questions of current concern.


Congressman Glenn Thompson and WPSU's Cheraine Stanford on the set of The People's Business

The People’s Business: A Town Hall with Congressman Glenn Thompson

Posted on August 11, 2017

WPSU Penn State hosted a community town hall with 5th District Congressman Glenn Thompson on Thursday, August 10, at our studio in Innovation Park. This program is part of WPSU’s mission to stimulate dialogue and empower citizens to engage in the democratic process.