Digging Deeper: Starting a Business

President Barron explores entrepreneurship and small business development.


  • Heather Fennessey McWhorter, director of the Small Business Development Center
  • Ishana Shekhawat, graduate student in Mechanical Engineering; founder of PlayPhysio, a breath controlled video game to ensure exercise and improve lung health

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Penn State President Eric Barron and guests on Digging Deeper
Digging Deeper

Climate Change

Posted on September 27, 2021

Penn State President Eric Barron and guests talk about global climate change, and what Penn State is doing to address the problem.


Penn State President Eric Barron and guests on the set of Digging Deeper
Digging Deeper

Greek Life Reform

Posted on September 23, 2018

Penn State President Eric Barron talks with Jim and Evelyn Piazza, the parents of Tim Piazza, about the steps being taken to implement Greek life reform.


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