Digging Deeper: Serving Student Veterans

Penn State President Eric Barron and guests Andrew Huling, president of the Student Veteran’s Organization; Melissa Valdes, president of the Penn State chapter of Omega Delta Sigma, a national veteran’s fraternity; and Olivia Washington, president of the Service Women’s Advocacy Group, discuss what the University can do to address the unique challenges veteran and active-duty military students face.

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Eric Barron and guests on the set of Digging Deeper
Digging Deeper

Greek Life Reform, Part 2

Posted on December 4, 2018

Penn State President Eric Barron talks with current Penn State students about the changes to Greek Life on campus since the tragic death of Tim Piazza.


Patty Satalia and Eric Baron with guests Al Maryasovsky and Black on the set of Higher Education in Focus
Digging Deeper


Posted on December 18, 2014

Eric Barron and Patty Satalia talk with guests Al Matyasovsky and Brian Black about Penn State’s achievements in recycling.


Eric Barron and guests on the set of Digging Deeper
Digging Deeper

Food Security

Posted on November 9, 2017

Scientists at the “Roots Lab” at Penn State are working on building sustainable sources of food and nutrition for the developing world.


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