Digging Deeper: COVID-19 and Non-Profit Organizations

Penn State President Eric Barron and guests talk about the challenges and difficulties facing non-profit organizations during COVID-19, and why their work is more important now than ever.

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Penn State President Eric Barron and guests on the set of Digging Deeper
Digging Deeper

Shaver’s Creek

Posted on May 19, 2019

Penn State President Eric Barron and guests talk about the Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center, what’s new and what people can expect this summer.


Patty Satalia and Eric Baron with guests Al Maryasovsky and Black on the set of Higher Education in Focus
Digging Deeper


Posted on December 18, 2014

Eric Barron and Patty Satalia talk with guests Al Matyasovsky and Brian Black about Penn State’s achievements in recycling.


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