Conversations Live: Revisiting the Heroin Crisis

Experts say every community in Pennsylvania has a heroin problem. Recent reports place some of the blame on easy access to prescription painkillers, gateway drugs for many users. What can we do about Pennsylvania’s heroin epidemic? Our experts will discuss causes and solutions.

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Conversations Live

Get Your Garden On! (Spring 2022)

Posted on April 15, 2022

Gardening season has arrived. Whether you’re growing cool season crops or getting ready to plant tomatoes — now is the perfect time to get tips to help your garden grow. Penn State Extension educators share their expertise on everything from taking care of your lawn to planting for pollinators.


Carolyn Donaldson and guests on the set of Conversations Live
Conversations Live

Ask The Doctor

Posted on November 17, 2017

As the seasons change and the temperature drops, we become more susceptible to seasonal bugs and other illnesses. Doctors from local healthcare providers explain how to stay healthy heading into winter and what symptoms look like for more common viruses at this time of year.


Conversations Live

Vaping and the Opioids Crisis

Posted on February 4, 2020

News on vaping is increasingly making the headlines as new studies are showing adverse health effects related to the habit. But what is vaping exactly? Can it be safer than smoking cigarettes? And how is it regulated? Also, is there any connection between vaping and the opioid crisis?


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