Waking up the garden to a new growing season is about more than soil and seedlings…spring is a pick-me-up for the home gardener as well. Penn State Extension specialists and a master gardener join us to share their tips for the best growing season ever. They also take viewer questions.
TOM BUTZLER is a Penn State extension horticulture educator. He works with commercial horticulture operations and the landscaping community in Clinton County. His area of expertise is vegetable production and beekeeping.
JOHN ESSLINGER is a county-based extension educator with Penn State extension. He works with fruit and vegetable growers and in greenhouse production.
JUSTIN WHEELER is a member of Penn State Extension’s Master Gardener program. He’s also a communications specialist for the Xerces Society, a non-profit environmental organization that focuses on the conservation of invertebrates considered to be essential to biological diversity and ecosystem health.
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