Conversations Live: Get Your Garden On! (Fall 2017)

It’s fall.  That means it’s time to think about what worked in your garden this season…and where you could have used a little expert advice. Our guests discuss the growing season, plus we’ll get their post-season to-do lists.

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Close up of pair of male hands folded together with a female's hand reaching and embracing the male's wrist.
Conversations Live

Suicide Prevention

Posted on September 19, 2024

Guest experts discuss actions to support those at risk of dying by suicide and what we can do as a community. Featuring Marisa Vicere, founder of the Jana Marie Foundation, and Elisabeth James, M.Ed., LPC, mental health clinician at State College Area High School.


Conversations Live

Vaping and the Opioids Crisis

Posted on February 4, 2020

News on vaping is increasingly making the headlines as new studies are showing adverse health effects related to the habit. But what is vaping exactly? Can it be safer than smoking cigarettes? And how is it regulated? Also, is there any connection between vaping and the opioid crisis?


Host Bill Hallman and guests on the set of Conversations Live
Conversations Live

Get Your Garden On! (Fall 2017)

Posted on October 27, 2017

It’s fall. That means it’s time to think about what worked in your garden this season…and where you could have used a little expert advice. Our guests discuss the growing season, plus we’ll get their post-season to-do lists.


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