Bernard Kerik
Former NYPD Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik shares his unique perspective on the criminal justice system.
Sexuality Researcher and Educator Megan Maas discusses the changing landscape of sexual health and culture among teens and young adults.
Megan Maas is a certified sexuality educator and doctoral student in Human Development & Family Studies at Penn State. Her research focuses on sexuality, gender, romantic relationships, and sexual media use in adolescence and young adulthood. Megan has served as a facilitator, workshop leader, and speaker on issues revolving around adolescent sexuality, pornography use, sexual socialization, pornography use in romantic relationships, and parent-child communication about sexuality at universities and organizations across the country.
Former NYPD Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik shares his unique perspective on the criminal justice system.
T. Colin Campbell, Best-selling Author of The China Study, discusses the role nutrition plays in long-term health.
NFL Hall of Famer Harry Carson discusses his life before and after football.