Opioid Crisis in Pennsylvania
We explore the human impact of the opioid epidemic by talking to guests who have been personally affected by addiction. We’ll also talk about Pennsylvania’s $20 million effort to address it.
Waking up the garden to a new growing season is about more than soil and seedlings…spring is a pick-me-up for the home gardener as well. Penn State Extension specialists and a master gardener join us to share their tips for the best growing season ever. They also take viewer questions.
TOM BUTZLER is a Penn State extension horticulture educator. He works with commercial horticulture operations and the landscaping community in Clinton County. His area of expertise is vegetable production and beekeeping.
JOHN ESSLINGER is a county-based extension educator with Penn State extension. He works with fruit and vegetable growers and in greenhouse production.
JUSTIN WHEELER is a member of Penn State Extension’s Master Gardener program. He’s also a communications specialist for the Xerces Society, a non-profit environmental organization that focuses on the conservation of invertebrates considered to be essential to biological diversity and ecosystem health.
We explore the human impact of the opioid epidemic by talking to guests who have been personally affected by addiction. We’ll also talk about Pennsylvania’s $20 million effort to address it.
Local veterinarians answer questions about your pets, from proper diet and exercise to the physical and mental benefits of adding a pet to your family.
Experts discuss your pet-related questions, including proper diet and exercise, to the physical and mental benefits of adding a pet to your family.