SciTech Now: Episode 314

Precise 3D images created by using the destructive power of a laser. Plus, breeding cattle without the horns.

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Andrew Nyblade, professor of geociences, Penn State
SciTech Now

Episode 327

Posted on June 12, 2017

At Penn State, learn about a network of 30 motion sensors that continuously monitors Pennsylvania for seismic activity. Also, finding the speed of light with peeps, and discover how forests use water.


Group of people at an insect fair
SciTech Now

Episode 303

Posted on October 24, 2016

Come for the bugs, stay for the science. SciTech Now takes you to the Penn State Great Insect Fair. Find out why some scientists call insects the key to developing a sustainable food source for a growing population.


bug-like illustrations
SciTech Now

Episode 315

Posted on February 15, 2017

Testing the top virtual assistants.  Plus, scientists at Penn State are joining forces to fight childhood obesity.


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