Digging Deeper: Making Education Accessible

It’s impossible to ignore the national discussion on the accessibility of a higher education. Student debt and the cost of education are increasing in response to a variety of issues, including the fact that, in nearly every state, funding of public universities has declined substantially. Penn State is working to transform its vision of access education with new strategies.

On this episode of “Higher Education in Focus,” Barron and Satalia talk to Renata S. Engel, associate vice provost for Online Programs, and David Christiansen, associate vice president for Commonwealth Campuses and senior dean for academic programs, about transforming education and access.

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Steve Sheetz, Loretta Zeth, Eric Baron and Patty Satalia on the set of Higher Education in Focus
Digging Deeper

Student Entrepreneurship

Posted on February 19, 2015

Join Patty Satalia, Penn State President Eric Barron and guests Steve Sheetz, chairman of the Sheetz Family Council, and Loretta Zeth, Penn State Altoona Business Student, as they talk about a new initiative called Invent Penn State, aimed at bolstering the state’s economy and promoting student career success.


Digging Deeper Episode 707
Digging Deeper

University Commencement

Posted on March 21, 2021

Penn State President Eric Barron and guests talk about Commencement. What it is, why it is important, and its history at Penn State.


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