Armor of Light
Penn State Professor Matt Jordan leads a panel of experts in a discussion about gun violence issues as addressed in the documentary film The Armor of Light. Watch »
A series of panel discussions about guns and gun violence issues.
Penn State Professor Matt Jordan leads a panel of experts in a discussion about gun violence issues as addressed in the documentary film The Armor of Light. Watch »
Penn State Professor Matt Jordan leads a panel of experts in a discussion of the film Peace Officer and the topic of police militarization. Watch »
In this monthly talk show, Penn State President Eric Barron explores how work being done at Penn State University impacts the broader community.
Why We Dance: The Story of THON is a documentary project that chronicles the student-run philanthropy, THON, and the children, families, and students who are changed by their experience.
Speaking Grief explores the transformative experience of losing a family member in a grief-avoidant society. It validates grief as a normal, healthy part of the human experience rather than a problem that needs to be “fixed.” It also addresses the role that support from friends and family plays in a person’s grief experience, offering guidance on how to show up for people in their darkest moments.