SciTech Now: Episode 334

Discover IVER, an autonomous underwater vehicle being developed by a diverse team of engineers, programmers, and a mathematician at Penn State. Also, take a look at researchers adding robotic arms to wheelchairs with the mobility enhancement robotic wheelchair or MEBot. And learn about how employers are working with colleges to bring more skilled workers into the tech industry.

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People building structure out of canned food.
SciTech Now

Episode 323

Posted on May 9, 2017

Learn about the engineers, architects and construction professionals taking part in a unique competition in State College called Canstruction. Also, a way to track a football with electromagnetic waves. And the mysteries of squid ink.


Penn State student standing in front of specrometer
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Posted on January 18, 2017

On the this episode of SciTech Now, learn more about how scientists are developing 2D materials, and a tool that lets you talk to fireflies, Also, the driverless car dilemma.


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Episode 328

Posted on June 19, 2017

On this episode, see innovation and creativity at the Huntington Middle School STEM Fair. Also, learn more about India’s first interplanetary mission, how seniors are using virtual reality, and more!


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