SciTech Now: Episode 324

Discover how scientists are trying to avoid food shortages by applying high tech science to traditional farming. Also, one company in Brooklyn, New York is working to create energy microgrids that would radically change the way energy is bought and sold. Learn about a therapy tool for post-traumatic stress. And watch a clip from WPSU’s Managing Risk in a Changing Climate, a documentary that examines the impact of human intervention in a region already feeling the effects of a warming planet.

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SciTech Now
SciTech Now

Episode 330

Posted on July 13, 2017

In this episode, learn about a science contest that’s helping scientists better communicate the complexity of their work. Also, discover what scientists are doing to search for life on the distant moon Europa, developing aspirin of the future, and more!


Cheraine Stanford on the set of SciTech Now
SciTech Now

Episode 319

Posted on April 7, 2017

It’s a women in science takeover featuring some of the brightest minds in central Pennsylvania. Also, learn about the story, behind the story, of NASA’s hidden figures.


Mike Zeman
SciTech Now

Best Of

Posted on July 3, 2017

Enjoy some of the best segments we produced for SciTech Now, here at WPSU!


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