In this episode of SciTech Now, we visit a Penn State lab that’s working on making batteries last longer, especially for electric vehicles. Also, discover the field of biomedical gerontology in a Google chat with Aubrey de Grey, who’s on a crusade against aging. And discover how technology is being used to make a more accessible world for those who are disabled.
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SciTech NowPosted on October 3, 2016
Penn State scientists are studying turf to improve performance and keep athletes safe. Science Friday looks at a desert phenomenon in Death Valley; how technology and new voting apps are impacting our journey to the polls; how studying craters left by meteors and asteroids can help us understand what killed the dinosaurs; and more!
SciTech NowPosted on August 28, 2017
A group of Penn State scientists led by Bo Cheng are trying to figure out how insects like flies, fly. Also, a stunning snapshot of a solar eclipse. And finding every species of fish.
SciTech NowPosted on May 23, 2017
Discover the Penn State Herbarium where dead plants gain a new life. Also, learn about acoustic architecture. And see how researchers are tracking pelicans with solar power.
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