Our Town: Northern Cambria

Volunteers from the Northern Cambria area came together to capture stories of their community with video, photos, and memories for the 94th production in the Our Town series. Tune-in to watch stories that capture the hearts of the people through stories that celebrate their mining history, local churches, youth programs, community organizations, and much more!

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Penns Valley region
Our Town

Penns Valley

Posted on September 15, 2016

Volunteer storytellers from the Penns Valley area stories about The Grange, Old Gregg School, farms, monuments, artifacts, art, divining for graves, and so much more. Find out what makes Penns Valley a GREAT place to live.


Our Town


Posted on September 3, 2020

Volunteers from Hollidaysburg have come together to tell storiesthat capture the heart of their community for the 104th episode in the Our Town series.


Our Town


Posted on December 6, 2018

The 99th production in the Our Town series shares the rich history of Boalsburg, from the Pennsylvania Military Museum to the Boal Mansion, the Heritage Museum, the Blacksmith Shop, and many more.


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