Digging Deeper: Starting a Business

President Barron explores entrepreneurship and small business development.


  • Heather Fennessey McWhorter, director of the Small Business Development Center
  • Ishana Shekhawat, graduate student in Mechanical Engineering; founder of PlayPhysio, a breath controlled video game to ensure exercise and improve lung health

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Penn State President Eric Barron and guests on the set of higher education in focus
Digging Deeper

Evaluating Mental Health on Campus

Posted on April 21, 2016

The number of students seeking assistance through Penn State’s Counseling and Psychological Services, or CAPS, has increased 32 percent in the past five years. Penn State President Eric Barron and guests discuss mental health on campus.


Digging Deeper

The Great Resignation

Posted on December 19, 2021

Penn State President Eric Barron and his guest talk about The Great Resignation. What is it, what caused it, and is it the new normal?


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