Cathy Willis Spraetz
Chimp Haven President and CEO Cathy Willis Spraetz discusses the work being done at the national chimpanzee sanctuary.
Historian Carol Reardon discusses what she learned about war and peace from the Gettysburg Address.
Carol Reardon is the George Winfree Professor of American History and scholar-in-residence at the George and Ann Richards Civil War Era Center. A specialist in American military history, with a special interest in the Civil War and Vietnam conflict, she has taught at the United States Military Academy at West Point and at the U.S. Army War College at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. She was elected to two terms as president of the Society for Military History, the premier professional organization in her academic specialty. Dr. Reardon frequently can be found on the battlefield at Gettysburg, her favorite classroom, where she leads professional military education exercises for the armed services, leadership seminars for a variety of student groups and government agencies, and historical tours for both popular and academic audiences. Dr. Reardon was named the 2015-16 Penn State Laureate.
Chimp Haven President and CEO Cathy Willis Spraetz discusses the work being done at the national chimpanzee sanctuary.
T. Colin Campbell, Best-selling Author of The China Study, discusses the role nutrition plays in long-term health.
NFL Hall of Famer Harry Carson discusses his life before and after football.