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Conversations Live: The Future of Jobs & Education

According to recent research, nearly half of American jobs today could be automated in a decade or two.  What jobs will the robots take? What does this mean for higher education?

On the next Conversations LIVE, Patty Satalia and guests take your questions about the future of jobs and education.  Call 1-800-543-8242 during the live program or email questions to connect@psu.edu.


Kyle L. Peck

Penn State Professor of Education and Co-director of the Center of Online Innovation in Learning (COIL)

Peck studies and applies innovations in education. His current interests include approaches to education that increase access to higher education while reducing the cost, competency-based education, digital badges in education, online learning and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Recently, Peck served as principal investigator for the NASA Aerospace Education Services Project, director of the regional educational lab for the mid-Atlantic region and co-director of Pennsylvania’s Classrooms for the Future Evaluation Project.

David L. Passmore

Penn State Professor of Education and Operations Research

A member of the Penn State faculty since 1979, Passmore was named a Distinguished Professor of education in 2014 and serves as the director of undergraduate and graduate studies for the College of Education’s Department of Learning and Performance Systems. Passmore also holds a joint academic appointment as professor of operations research in the intercollege dual degree program in operations research.

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Patty Satalia, Kyle Peck, and David Passmore
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The Future of Jobs & Education

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According to recent research, nearly half of American jobs today could be automated in a decade or two. What jobs will the robots take? What does this mean for higher education? On the next Conversations LIVE, Patty Satalia and guests take your questions about the future of jobs and education.


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