Our Town: The Bald Eagle Valley

Volunteers from the Bald Eagle Valley have come together to tell stories about some of the communities main attractions. We’ll take you on a journey through history as we explore the then and now of the Bald Eagle State Park and dam, Bald Eagle school district, Curtin Village, and talk about current day art, business, and community pride.

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Penns Valley region
Our Town

Penns Valley

Posted on September 15, 2016

Volunteer storytellers from the Penns Valley area stories about The Grange, Old Gregg School, farms, monuments, artifacts, art, divining for graves, and so much more. Find out what makes Penns Valley a GREAT place to live.


Our Town


Posted on September 3, 2020

Volunteers from Hollidaysburg have come together to tell storiesthat capture the heart of their community for the 104th episode in the Our Town series.


Moshannon Valley
Our Town

Moshannon Valley

Posted on December 10, 2020

Moshannon Valley’s long history unfolds as community members share stories of coal mining and the Ally Popper. Community pride is on full display in tales about the Houtzdale Revitalization Association and ministerium.


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