Keystone Stories: A State of Service

We are constantly bombarded with bad news ranging from the struggling economy to climate change, and it can be easy to feel discouraged. But where there are problems, there are almost always solutions, and Pennsylvanians across the state are finding innovative ways to address the challenges in their communities.

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Keystone Stories

The Arts are Alive

Posted on May 19, 2022

Creativity thrives in the Commonwealth—from community art projects to makerspaces, galleries and festivals, the arts play a pivotal role in bringing people together throughout our region.


Person walking along rocks across a river in front of a short waterfall.
Keystone Stories

State Parks

Posted on October 24, 2023

The Pennsylvania State Park System began in 1893. Today there are 124 state parks covering more than 300,000 acres in our state. From the rare orchids found in the Black Moshannon bog to the spectacular tapestry of stars above the Cherry Springs, a visit to a state park in central Pennsylvania is an excellent way to enjoy the natural beauty of the Keystone State.


Keystone Stories

Black History Keepers

Posted on May 27, 2022

Bellefonte, Pa. houses rich stories and landmarks of Black history, including St. Paul AME Church, founded in the 1800s, and believed to be part of the Underground Railroad. Its history has been preserved by local historians, as have many other aspects of Black history in central Pennsylvania.


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