Tour the UK with WPSU

Row of old stone houses on an English countryside.

Join WPSU as we travel to London, Cornwall, and the Cotswolds on our first group travel experience. We’ll see the landscapes and homes featured in some our your favorite Masterpiece programs, including Poldark and Downton Abbey.

Our tour provider, Collette, will arrange all the details — from booking flights and hotels, many of our meals, and all of the travel while in the UK. This 11-day tour will take place from October 1-11, 2025, and reservations are being accepted now. There are only 38 seats available for this tour, so join us for our informational kickoff meeting on Tuesday, December 10, at 6:00 p.m in the Outreach Building at Innovation Park or online via Zoom.

Trip Details

  • 11 day tour via Collette Travel & Tours
  • October 1-11, 2025
  • includes round-trip airfare
  • includes hotel stays, 14 meals, and travel in the UK
  • limited seats available
  • $5,999pp (double) or $7,159pp (single)

Additional details and full itinerary available on the Collette Travel and Tours website.

Book now (You will be directed to Collette Travel and Tours to make your reservation.)

26 seats remaining!

Travel Presentation Video

Watch the recording from our November 13 presentation: