How to Offer Meaningful Grief Support in a Virtual Setting

April 26, 6:00 p.m. on Zoom

Just because we’ve gotten used to Zoom meetings and Facetime coffee dates doesn’t mean we know how to foster meaningful interactions in these virtual environments. Whether you’re running a grief support group or trying to show up for a grieving friend you can’t see in person, there are ways to facilitate these experiences from a distance.

In this webinar, experts will share ideas for navigating these mediums to create authentic engagement and provide needed support as well as how to honor deceased loved one through virtual memorials.


Ajita RobinsonDr. Ajita M. Robinson
Grief and Trauma Therapist, Speaker, and Author of The Gift Of Grief: A Practical Guide On Grief And Loss​


Alesia AlexanderAlesia K. Alexander
LCSW, CT Grief, Loss, and Inclusion Consultant
Mandy BenoualidMandy Benoualid
Co-founder and President, Keeper Inc. & Co-founder and Editor of TalkDeath
Cassie Marsh-CaldwellCassie Marsh-Caldwell
Project Manager and Strategist of Speaking Grief
Adam RabinovitchAdam Rabinovitch
Executive Director of COPE



A recording of this webinar is available on the Speaking Grief website.