Sunset Forecast


Discover the world of sunset forecasts being done by Penn State students.


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Videographer shoots video of turf grass

Penn State Turfgrass Science

10/10/16 | 5:46

snow boarder sitting down at top of ski slope

Making Snow

3/3/17 | 4:22

Snake Guy


7/18/17 | 3:46

Man holding a snowboard standing in front of an airstream trailer covered in decals

Gilson Snowboards

11/17/16 | 5:20

Young adult female assisting grade school child with science experiement

Discovery Space of Central Pennsylvania

7/26/17 | 3:39

Penn State student standing in front of specrometer

2D Tech

1/18/17 | 4:15


Big Spring Spirits

4/12/17 | 5:51

many bundles of different size and species wood boards

Wood Collection

2/7/17 | 4:14


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