

When we think about science, we usually think about something we can see: perhaps a model of an atom, or the dividing of cells, or a graph of data. It’s not often that we listen to science. That’s exactly what Mark Ballora, a professor in the Penn State School of Music, does.

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Discovery Space of Central Pennsylvania

7/26/17 | 3:39

Man holding a snowboard standing in front of an airstream trailer covered in decals

Gilson Snowboards

11/17/16 | 5:20

Coffee being filtered into a pot


12/21/16 | 5:10

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2/7/17 | 4:14

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The Science of Bike Riding

5/22/17 | 5:27

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5/23/17 | 4:56


Big Spring Spirits

4/12/17 | 5:51

person kayaking along river surrounded by fall foliage

The Bog at Black Moshannon State Park

3/10/17 | 3:37


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