Huntingdon STEM Fair 2017

middle school students

The Huntington Middle School STEM Fair is a test of skill and smarts. Students have been prepping for it all year, and now they finally got a chance to show their stuff. See some of the innovation and creativity coming out of Huntingdon Middle School.


More Episodes

Young adult female assisting grade school child with science experiement

Discovery Space of Central Pennsylvania

7/26/17 | 3:39

Snake Guy


7/18/17 | 3:46

Group of people at an insect fair

Insect Fair

12/2/16 | 3:43

Coffee being filtered into a pot


12/21/16 | 5:10

many bundles of different size and species wood boards

Wood Collection

2/7/17 | 4:14

skulls and other bones on lab table

Bone Density

3/3/17 | 4:56

Zena Cardman

Zena Cardman, NASA Astronaut Class of ’17

6/27/17 | 3:13

Botanists looking at plant samples

Penn State Herbarium

5/23/17 | 4:56


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