Huntingdon STEM Fair 2017

middle school students

The Huntington Middle School STEM Fair is a test of skill and smarts. Students have been prepping for it all year, and now they finally got a chance to show their stuff. See some of the innovation and creativity coming out of Huntingdon Middle School.


More Episodes

Coffee being filtered into a pot


12/21/16 | 5:10

Scientist with self-driving submarine

MANTA – Autonomous Underwater System

8/28/17 | 5:37

Flight of the Fly

Flight of the Fly

8/28/17 | 4:54

Plate of food

Childhood Obesity

2/15/17 | 4:05

skulls and other bones on lab table

Bone Density

3/3/17 | 4:56

Andrew Nyblade, professor of geociences, Penn State

Penn State Seismic Network

6/7/17 | 5:00

snow boarder sitting down at top of ski slope

Making Snow

3/3/17 | 4:22


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