CANstruction State College

People building structure out of canned food.

Engineers, architects and construction professionals are taking part in a unique competition in State College. It’s called “Canstruction.” It involves art, science, and a big donation to a local charity. Learn more!


More Episodes

JeffTech classroom

JEFF TECH Vocational-Technical School

4/26/17 | 3:34

middle school students

Huntingdon STEM Fair 2017

6/19/17 | 3:24

Flight of the Fly

Flight of the Fly

8/28/17 | 4:54

Group of people at an insect fair

Insect Fair

12/2/16 | 3:43

Man holding a snowboard standing in front of an airstream trailer covered in decals

Gilson Snowboards

11/17/16 | 5:20


Sunset Forecast

1/19/17 | 4:17



8/29/17 | 5:31

man riding bike

The Science of Bike Riding

5/22/17 | 5:27


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